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Meet Our Pastor

Pastor Ron David came to Townsend Bible Church in the spring of 2019.  He was raised in a Christian home and trusted Christ as his Savior as a young boy. His earliest memories include his mom teaching the children and his father serving as an Elder in the Bible church they faithfully attended. During Pastor Ron’s senior year of high school his father became terminally ill with leukemia encouraging him to further his career in electronics — something they both enjoyed. Pastor Ron’s father later went to meet his Lord in 1985. God used his Dad’s passing and a combined passion for God’s Word and prayer to lead him into the pastorate on April 9, 1989. He was privileged to sell his family’s business and then later leave a bi-vocational career in electronic engineering and his work with McDonnell Douglas/Boeing’s military Flight Simulation Facility to serve the Lord in full-time ministry – the desire of his heart. He has enjoyed serving in the pastorate since 1991. 


Pastor Ron was married to his wife Michelle in 1987. Together they have five children and five grandchildren that are faithful to our Lord. He is blessed to be a graduate of Calvary Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Calvary University and Brookes Bible College in St. Louis, Missouri and was ordained through the West Overland Bible Church in Overland, Missouri.


In addition to pastoring the local church, Pastor Ron served as a Law Enforcement Chaplain for the Salina Police Department, the Saline County Sheriff’s Department in Salina, Kansas and as a hospital chaplain congruent with the pastorate. He currently is blessed to serve as the secretary of the Council of Regional Presidents and as the President of the Southern Illinois/Indiana Regional of IFCA International. His great joy is sharing God's Word and bringing others to maturity in Christ. He is extremely grateful to be serving here at Townsend Bible Church and looks forward to God‘s continued work together with the church family.

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